This will secure a higher reliability, easier maintenance and service. The advantage of this simple system is that it doesn’t rely on electricity and that the automatic control device is placed outside of the fire box. If the air supply is controlled by time – that is by a pre-defined ‘programme’ which fits the wood burning stove – the amount of air is reduced during the combustion period. Automatic control device controlled by time Each type has its advantages and its disadvantages. The automatic control device will regulate the air supply in the wood burning stove, and the regulation is based on either time, temperature or oxygen. The technology behind the devices varies. There are different wood burning stove producers on the market which have developed automatic control devices for wood burning stoves. How a wood burning stove with an automatic control device works Enjoy the heat and the sight of the flames the next couple of hours.Place dry firewood in the fire box of your wood burning stove.It’s easy and it’ll save you time and money. That’s why it’s a very good idea to invest in a wood burning stove which regulates the primary air inlet control automatically. When it came to the question of how often people regulate the air supply during the combustion process, it was clear that few people do it often enough when they do it manually: The German Technologie- und Förderzentrum made a survey as a part of the project called beReal of how wood burning stove owners really fire in their wood burning stoves. It is almost impossible to be that precise when you regulate the air supply manually. To secure optimal and eco-friendly combustion in your wood burning stove, your wood burning stove’s air supply must be regulated very precisely every few minutes – and every time you put firewood in the wood burning stove. It’s a big advantage to choose a wood burning stove wih an automatic control device. A wood burning stove with an automatic control device is a good investment